Perfecting the total look: Exciting times for Hair Art & Beauty
The past six months have been a whirlwind of fabulous experiences and exciting changes at Hair Art & Beauty, Cranford Street.

A whirlwind of fabulous experiences and exciting changes
In October, salon owner Carla travelled to New York to work at Bridal Fashion Week, before jet-setting to Europe to assist Sharon Blain (2018 Hairdressing Educator of the Year) with hosting hair-up workshops.
The salon closed for a few weeks at Christmas, during which time builders were hard at work on a salon makeover. The salon now has a chic new look and stage two has commenced; the building of a brand-new day spa. This purpose-built spa will combine style, luxury and innovation so clients can be pampered with the latest global beauty techniques (such as LED facials and dermal needling), as well as the classics like waxing, IPL and massage.
Hair Art & Beauty was a finalist in the Top Shop awards! Plus, in the past months plenty of team activities were scheduled, like in and out-of-salon-training and delicious meals out as a group, making this a very busy year.
The staff are eager to see what the rest of 2018 has in store. They’re awaiting clients’ reactions to the fabulous salon make-over.
Drop-ins to check out refurbishments and make appointments are always welcome. Or visit www.hairart.co.nz.