Help for hair loss: Hairmantra
Dr Padmaja Redekar, certified Trichologist at Hairmantra says that our hair is a very clear barometer of issues within the body. Gradual or sudden hair loss, or loss of any scalp condition can be an emotional and physical blow which can be medically worrying for the sufferer.

Hair fall can happen to anyone at any age, with causes ranging from alopecia and chemotherapy, to physical and mental stress, use of chemicals, poor diet, or hormonal changes as we move through life’s stages. Padmaja says she is seeing hair fall happening earlier in life, often because of lifestyle issues. She urges people to seek help as soon as they notice any changes. “We can get great results if we to tackle the problem as early as possible and prevention is always better than the cure.”
All the treatments at Hairmantra are natural and non-steroidal, and the newer laser treatments are very effective for some conditions, especially cancer patients. Counselling can be central to treatment. “It can become a vicious circle if stress or upset is causing hair fall and so you become more stressed about your thinning hair,” Padmaja says.
Consultations are of course confidential and Dr Padmaja will advise early if she cannot address an issue.
Exclusive to Hairmantra is the Australian organic brand Apteka. Padmaja can also recommend temporary solutions available to camouflage thinning hair by making the scalp less visible. Consultations by video are available as well as out of office hours appointments by arrangement.
www.hairmantra.co.nz for more details.