Constructing a strong reputation: Tonu Civil Construction
Once you find a company you can rely on for small or larger projects, you never let them go. Recommendations are given to carefully selected friends only, so precious is the quality, communication, and cost effectiveness of your prized contractor.
And so it is with Tonu Civil Construction, whose projects come to them almost entirely through word of mouth, from clients delighted with their work.
Specialising in all types of foundation, roading construction, driveways, demolition, plus cartage, this family-owned and Christchurch-based company gets jobs done without hassle, leaving happy customers in their wake – with compliments such as “the driveway is looking really fantastic, we are looking forward to driving on it later in the week,” an everyday occurrence.
EQC repairs are a specialty, and both residential jobs and commercial jobs around Christchurch and Canterbury are given the Tonu point of difference: Director Sullivan himself.
“I give clients what they want at reasonable prices, we are always looking at ways we can offer reduced costs, and open communication between us and our clients is a given,” he says.
The tight knit team of nine also works effectively with other contractors, bringing their can-do attitude and skill in communication to every project.
Ask about a quote on 021 174 7970 or via info@tonucivil.co.nz