A metallic moment: make your home shine with the trend that keeps on giving
Metallics have been having their ‘moment’ in the homewares spotlight for the longest time now, with their prevailing popularity suggesting they won’t be leaving any time soon.

Which is rather an exciting prospect, when it comes to our inner-magpies. Long gone are the days when the fixtures in our houses – taps, handles, pipes, shower heads – lacked personality. And the creatively clever are using metallics in unique new ways – with accessories, cabinetry, furniture and even flooring getting the metallic makeover.
Not only are we seeing a renaissance of copper, but also bold golds, striking silvers and charming brass hues are creating clean, modern and vibrant environments within our homes – even in the less ‘sexy’ spaces like our bathrooms. With accessories like the Round Champagne Kitchen Mixer pictured, Meir demonstrates how metallic finishes can add glamour and sophistication to a room through some of the smallest items.
The ultimate aesthetic pick-me-up for your abode, the magic of metallics will no doubt continue to endure.