The winning combination against acne and scarring! Mohs and Skin Cancer Specialist
First switch off the acne using evidence based treatments, then stimulate the skin’s own ability to heal itself using Skinpen – the only microneedling device approved by the notoriously high standards of the US Food and Drug Administration.
The Team at Mohs and Skin Cancer not only specialise in diagnosing and removing skin cancers by the gold standard technique called Mohs surgery, but they also run a dedicated acne clinic.
Dr Emma Trowbridge says, “Studies have shown that acne sufferers take an average of eight years to seek professional help. By then patients have often developed permanent scarring, and suffered substantial psychological distress.”
Emma is passionate about preventing scarring and distress caused by acne, with early and evidence-based acne treatments.
Where patients have already developed scarring, Emma and fellow Mohs’ doctor, Dr Mairi-Clare Ferguson are excited to introduce wonderful new technology, the Skinpen.
The Skinpen is the first FDA-approved microneedling device and is clinically proven to safely and effectively treat acne scars.
“We chose Skinpen as it has the strongest evidence behind it for improving the appearance of scars from acne or surgery,” says Mairi-Clare.
“It has minimal downtime with any redness resolved within 24 hours, making it a suitable treatment for those with busy lifestyles who cannot afford the downtime associated with other scarring treatments.
“The Skinpen is also effective at reducing pigmentation such as melasma and for boosting collagen production resulting in smoother, healthier looking skin.
“Acne does not have to be ‘lived with’ so contact the clinic today and we can find the correct treatment plan to clear your skin,” says Mairi-Clare.
Call 03 356 0214 or email info@mohsandskincancer.co.nz to make an appointment or general enquiry.