The Influencers: Lianne Dalziel
Join the freedom fight.
November is the month we come together and celebrate so much with Cup and Show Week right at the heart of it all.

This is the November where our focus is now directed to getting our vaccination rates over 90 percent.
There is no magic in the number. It is a minimum before we can shift to more freedom to come together, as we have done in Novembers past.
It offers us a degree of protection that was missing a century ago when two events caused a massive spread of the 1918 influenza virus – Armistice Day and the A&P Show – the latter spreading the virus right across the region and beyond.
It is helpful to think of our history, when we judge decisions that are being made today. I am really pleased to see the response of our local businesses to supporting sensible precautions – scanning in, mask wearing and social distancing. Every bit helps.
The Word Festival has reduced its programme and scaled back attendance in accordance with Level 2 requirements. Although it means some of the guests will be beaming into a live audience, at least we will have the chance to hear from them. Well done to Rachael King and the Word team.
And as we come up to Christmas, let’s think about how we might support local businesses as a way to share gift-giving with ensuring our city’s recovery.