Worthy of a smile: OrthodontiX
Anyone cognisant of the latest in invisible orthodontic treatment is marvelling over how life gets better.
Parents who had metal braces fitted could well feel pangs of envy over the Invisalign clear aligners their children are sporting. They’re the most modern way of straightening teeth and fixing an array of aesthetic dental conditions. Because they’re invisible, they make dental improvements no big deal.
Now OrthodontiX is joining ‘The Invisible Orthodontist’, an international industry group with members in the USA, Australia, the UK and New Zealand. The group specialises in aesthetic treatments; in other words, treatments that beautify while easing discomfort.
Dr Ronald Sluiter says in general, the trend has been away from old fashioned braces and toward the clear aligners. Invisalign aligners need to be worn 22/7. Basically that means they are worn constantly, apart from when eating and cleaning the teeth and mouth.
The latter has been a game-changer, as food doesn’t get stuck in metalwork and cleaning becomes hassle-free. For all of these reasons, wearers are enthusiastic.
Not only for teenagers, dental straightening can be investigated at any age. Dr Sluiter says that initial orthodontic consultations are always a good idea, as sometimes it’s financially more attainable for parents to opt for early-phase dental work, involving team-oriented treatments. He says children as young as nine with ‘cross-bites’ or ‘over-jets’ can be helped and a referral is never necessary.