Unexpected International Style: Station Road
When you step into the lobby of a grand hotel, it makes you feel good, excited. It’s a special feeling.
“What is it about the interior design, furniture and fixings that creates that inspired feeling?” asks Gavin How, Showroom Manager at Station Road Home. “We like to bring something of that special feeling into our home. “What we are encouraging people to do is have the confidence to reach out to something that’s slightly unexpected in terms of international style. Express your individuality with something that’s unique.”
Unique is in plentiful supply at Station Road Home. The Christchurch based company supplies premium furniture and décor to clients who understand that furniture, fashion and art are closely related. “We have customers who have treasured pieces that have been with them in several houses and they continue to shop with us.”
Whether the old premises, a former 19th century worker’s cottage on Rangiora’s Station Road – hence the name – or the new showroom at 148 Victoria Street in Christchurch, “we’ve always been a destination store”. As second-generation cabinet-makers, Station Road established a reputation for manufacturing and understanding the value of quality furniture. The Caracole range, imported from the United States, attests. From classic modern to traditional, or French or Asian themed, these pieces are truly unique in New Zealand.
“First and foremost we’re about providing premium quality, unique pieces of furniture, expertly designed and crafted from beautiful materials.” Visit the store to see the range. Bring photos of your rooms to take advantage of the expert knowledge and advice Gavin and his team can provide or visit