The simple choice: turning up the heat this winter at Simply Heat
Simply Heat is, quite simply, a mecca for heating design and installation options. At the company’s expansive showroom, unique in the South Island, you can see and try for yourself 41 gas fires, ultra-low emission and standard wood fires, multi fuel heaters, electric fires, water heaters, ducted heating, underfloor heating, heat pumps and solar panels.
The majority of homes will employ more than one form of heating and/or cooling and, the larger the home, the greater the number of sources. Steve Waring of Simply Heat says that integration of heating sources is key for the look, feel and efficiency you want.
Simply working through options on paper with your architect might not give you the optimum result. Talking with the experts at Simply Heat and trying the units for yourself will help you make informed choices about the best systems and how they will integrate from the very beginning, rather than trying to retrofit when issues arise.
A chat with the Simply Heat team could see you replace a hot water cylinder with a gas heating unit outside the house, freeing up vital floor space inside for that pantry, work station, or sports equipment storage space you’ve been dreaming of.
Heat seekers outside of Christchurch don’t miss out either – Simply Heat works all over the South Island. The company’s ability to design and install fabulous looking and efficient heating systems has seen it in hot demand throughout Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago, where it works with local trades on installation. It’s a simple choice – Simply Heat.