The Influencers: Paul Lonsdale

Going back into Alert Level 2 certainly re-tested the resilience of our business community. Survival seems to be the theme as 2020 continues to test us all in one way or another.
That said, watching any of the David Attenborough Planet Earth series, I am always in awe of what the animal kingdom has to do on a daily basis just to survive. It’s survival of the fittest, smartest, strongest, the most determined every second of their lives.
In my view, determination and having a goal are key aspects of business survival and often these attributes drive certain people to overcome adversity.
I recently spoke to one businessperson who said “failure is not an option” as he has a young family and cannot afford to fail.
He has had to rethink all he does within his business and look for additional opportunities to help overcome Covid-19 related adversity.
However, you should never be afraid of failure, as often this can be a precursor to success.
Successful people often have a multitude of failures before finding the right mix to success.
Having determination and an end goal drives them to pick themselves up and start again.
With the work I do, I get to see firsthand how difficult it is for people out there at the moment.
I have said this before but I will say it again, support your local, and be kind to each other, as you never know what someone is dealing with.