The Influencers: Lianne Dalziel

Winter in Christchurch

Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel

It feels like we’ve passed a milestone once we get past the shortest day, but I often find that’s when the truly cold weather arrives.

Having four distinct seasons, however, is one of the things I love about living in Christchurch.

With the July school holidays about to start there are some fantastic events happening across the city that are well worth braving the cold for.

The Winter Fireworks Spectacular at New Brighton on Saturday 9 July will set things off with a real bang.

Moving this event to winter really does make sense, with the earlier time so much easier for families. We’re also really fortunate to have KidsFest in our city offering hundreds of activities, workshops and events to keep our younger folk entertained, informed and educated.

This two-week festival has been running for three decades and it’s the envy of towns and cities across the country.

A newer event on the winter calendar, and a chance to showcase our magnificent Christchurch Town Hall to a younger audience, is the Go Live Festival later this month.

Two nights of concerts for all ages will be featuring some incredible home-grown musical talent.

So, while it might be cold outside there is a real buzz about our city in winter. I suggest that you invite family, friends and even colleagues to layer up and enjoy some of what’s on offer in our amazing city.

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