The Influencers: Lianne Dalziel
Coping with a chain reaction
Who was it who said: ‘it’s like déjà vu all over again’? I think many of us felt we would never have to go through another Covid-19 lockdown. But one case of the Delta variant started a chain reaction that would have kept going without one.
I want to acknowledge the 300 or so Christchurch residents that were in a place of interest in Auckland, who came home, were tested twice, and stayed home until the two-week cycle was over. By doing the right thing, you have served your community well, and helped protect us all.
I would also like to acknowledge Annabel Turley who is not only the Chair of the Christchurch Central City Business Association but is also a pharmacist. The pop-up drive through vaccine service in Cashel Mall was fantastic.
And that is the key to our ‘living with Covid future’ – getting as close to 100 percent of us vaccinated as soon as possible.
What I did like about the Alert Level 4 and 3 lockdown was walking around Hagley Park and through the city centre.
There were quite a few people doing the same, socially distanced and wearing masks of course.
But I will never miss Zoom meetings. I like people-to-people contact.
And I won’t miss seeing our businesses doing it tough.
We learned last year that the best way to recover from lockdown is to back our local businesses, and that’s what we will do again.