The Influencers: Lianne Dalziel

Long term planning. The beginning of May saw amazing weather accentuate the beauty of autumn. One of the things people love about Christchurch is the four distinct seasons that take us through the year. We always have a different season to enjoy and another to look forward to.

Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel


We had our second warmest April mean maximum temperature since records began back in the 1800s. Although that is great for those of us who like to walk around the central city, including Hagley Park and the Botanic Gardens, it does create pressure on our water infrastructure, and it reminds us that our climate is changing.

I make this point because we have spent the month listening to submissions on our draft Long Term Plan, which is very much focused on risk and resilience, along with preparing for the anticipated impacts of climate change.

It has been incredibly positive listening to community groups and residents’ associations, who want to partner with the council to achieve our shared objectives.

The message has been that working together enables us to get more done, at the same time as building and strengthening community relationships over issues people care about.

For the same reason, many submitters have been very supportive of the strengthening communities fund and the support that gives the volunteer sector, along with the libraries and galleries, which are highly valued as an important part of our social infrastructure.

There’s much to think about.


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