The Influencers: Leeann Watson

Support local

The news that New Zealand’s border will gradually reopen at the end of this month is welcome news to many of us. It marks a long-awaited opportunity to reunite with separated family, catch up with friends and reconnect with the rest of the world.

Attracting skilled workers to our shores, resuming tourism and allowing our exporters to engage with their customers are critical ingredients in our economic recovery plan.

It can’t happen soon enough.

As Covid-19 becomes a part of our day-to-day lives, as it has in other countries, we need to focus on returning to business as usual. It is important to remember that the ‘red traffic light’ is not a lockdown, but unfortunately it is a red light on some businesses who are already experiencing a significant downturn
in revenue.

As the Omicron variant spreads, more and more events are being cancelled, people are following government guidelines and opting to work from home and restrictions are atrophying business.

The impact on our hospitality sector in particular is crippling. This has a significant consequence on local businesses here in the Canterbury region who unlike in previously lockdowns, do not have the same level of financial support available to them.

Please continue to support local where you can, go to your local café and visit retailers. They’re doing it tough.

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