The future of NZ’s housing: Bode

Have you always dreamed of owning a newly built home, but thought it was not on the cards for you?

Perhaps a prefabricated house could be your solution. These homes can be assembled by builders around the country, but not all are created equal.

Bode has come to Christchurch and they’re bringing with them beautiful homes at affordable prices. They manufacture high-performing housing at scale and are revolutionising how homes are built, with the betterment of Kiwi communities at the forefront of what they do.
Their homes are built considerably different. One of the ways they’re creating leading-edge homes is through their weather-tight manufacturing. Most cladding has a 15-year design life, while Bode’s has a 50-year design life.

The process is easy, too. First, you choose the Bode that best suits your requirements, next comes order and delivery, which the team will coordinate, ensuring a seamless process. Finally comes the fun part – personalising your new place!

They believe everyone deserves a warm, dry, and healthy home that they can afford, and that’s exactly what they provide. Their modular, prefabricated homes are the future of housing and offer a smart, sustainable solution that doesn’t compromise on quality or comfort.
To see the Bode difference and what housing solutions are available, you can head to their website.

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