Our Vets

Pet nutrition focus: Ourvets gives us the run down on looking after your pet’s diet

A huge variety of dietary options are available for our four-legged friends. Some great, some not so great – but how does a caring owner really know what is right for their pet? The topic of diet is one discussed often for humans but can be forgotten when it comes to our beloved animals.

Our Vets

In veterinary clinics, nutrition is often described as the ‘5th Vital Assessment’ – following closely from heart, lung, temperature and pain assessments. When a diet is looked at in conjunction with all these, it’s easy to see just how important it is – and why vet clinics are keen to start the discussion.

Is your pet’s diet right for them?
There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when looking for the right diet for a pet. This includes their age, activity levels, medical conditions or any allergies they have. A massive amount of information is available on the internet. However, deciphering what information is true, and then applying this to a pet, can be the difficult part. The best thing that someone can do for their furry family members is to discuss their pet’s diet with the professionals.

What benefits could you see?
Feeding a high-quality diet that is balanced by using good, well-sourced ingredients can improve energy levels, digestion, skin and coat quality. Smelly breath? There are diets that can assist with the prevention of dental disease. Arthritis? Diets exist with anti-inflammatory properties to help improve mobility.
During February, Ourvets had a focus on nutrition and encouraged pet owners to ask the questions to find out more. “We want pets to have the best nutrition that suits their needs – but equally, we want our clients to understand why we have made a certain recommendation for their pet,” says Ourvets Practice Manager, Sarah Clements. “Certain diets can replace or reduce the need for medication and can provide a hassle-free treatment for some ailments.”
For those that feel their pet could benefit from a specific diet or are unsure what benefits they would see from dietary planning and advice, the knowledgeable team at Ourvets is always on hand to discuss.
Visit www.ourvets.co.nz.
