Meet the Principal: Selwyn House School

At Selwyn House School, the critical skills of creativity, self-regulation, empathy, adaptability, innovation and collaboration are infused throughout the Selwyn House curriculum, culminating in a unique senior leadership programme that prepares all students for their future lives. Our students develop deep discipline knowledge across subjects and then use their ability to collaborate and innovate to solve complex real-world problems. Employers across the world have emphasised the need for today’s young people to possess both deep knowledge and critical human skills, a combination that is commonly termed ‘T-shaped’ professionals – Selwyn House is developing young ‘T-shaped’ students. Their ability to utilise their ‘T-Shaped’ attributes and deep knowledge results in powerful thinking and problem-solving – skills and attributes that are in high demand today and in the future workforce.
Selwyn House School is a leading girls’ school for Years 1-8, with an onsite Boarding House and co-ed Pre-School.
It features modern facilities, outstanding resources, and a rigorous future-focussed curriculum implemented by highly qualified, expert teachers.
The school offers the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, which focusses on the total growth of the developing child, encompassing intellectual, social, physical, emotional, spiritual and cultural needs.
Their students achieve excellent results in their core subjects and internationally perform significantly higher than the international student cohort.
They consistently achieve at local, national and international competitions, with 73 recipients of national and international awards between 2017 and 2019.
As well as being able to explore their passions in specialist subjects including Science, Mechatronics, Spanish, Music, Visual and Performing Arts, and Physical Education, students undertake future and community problem solving tasks and leadership initiatives.
Selwyn House School has a proud tradition of offering an innovative education that continually adapts to meet future challenges.
The strong ‘STEAM’ programme at Selwyn House School uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.
Their STEAM Hub provides every student from Year 1 to 8 access to state-of-the-art equipment including 3D printers, a kiln, a laser cutter, sewing machines and Virtual Reality headsets.
Mechatronics, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence are Selwyn House subjects that ensure students are equipped with 21st century skill sets and fully prepared to lead in a future that is heavy in technology.
The school provides exceptional educational opportunities for girls, in a stimulating and nurturing environment.
Their focus is on developing globally minded learners and leaders who will become confident and capable young women.