Get ready for ills and chills

Ensure you and your medicine cabinet are prepared for winter and the common ailments that come with it.

Follow these tips from Health Navigator New Zealand
to be ready:
Clean out your medicine cabinet
Discard expired medications to avoid confusion and ensure you have the necessary medicines when you are unwell. Dispose of them properly to protect the environment.
Keep essential items on hand
Stock up on items such as paracetamol for pain and fever relief, commonly needed during winter illnesses. Additionally, consider having moisturiser, chest rub, tissues, honey for sore throats, and fruit teas, or ingredients for warm drinks.
Know how to manage illness
Learn about managing cold symptoms, and when it may be necessary to visit a doctor. If you experience cold and flu-like symptoms, consider getting tested for Covid-19 to protect your family and community.
Seek advice from your pharmacist
Don’t wait for symptoms to worsen, consult a pharmacist promptly for advice. They are qualified to provide the best course of action. If you are unable to visit a pharmacy, ask someone to go on your behalf, or call for information.
Dress warmly
Ensure you and your family have warm clothing to prevent weakening your immune system. Invest in wool, merino clothing, and a waterproof jacket.

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