Fresh produce hacks

Keeping a fridge of fresh fruit and vegetables helps ensure your household eats a nutritious, balanced diet.

But do you ever find yourself throwing away uneaten fresh produce because it has gone bad before you were able to cook with it? This is a common issue, that not only is wasteful but expensive. Some simple storage hacks can help keep fresh produce good for longer.

Here are a few:

Herbs: Keep the stalks of herbs in water. Much like flowers, herbs will shrivel up quickly if not placed in water. Jars or water glasses are a good option, simply fill with water, place herb stalks in and store on a shelf in your fridge.

Celery: Keep celery heads whole, wrap them up tightly in foil, and then store in the fridge.

Mushrooms: Store in a dry, breathable package such as a brown paper bag. If in plastic, glass, or Tupperware, moisture gets trapped too quickly. A paper bag allows air circulation, keeping mushrooms good for longer.

Carrots: Chop the tops off your carrots before storing in the fridge.

Onions: Store in a dark, well-ventilated area. Hanging baskets or sacks work well. Keep away from potatoes, as this can cause them to sprout.

Leafy greens: Store leafy greens in a container or bag, with a layer of paper towels. This helps absorb any moisture.

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