Filtering Out Chlorine! Laser Plumbing
As the council works hard to protect against bacteria in our water, the expert team at Laser Plumbing Christchurch East is working hard to protect homeowners’ assets and ensure their comfort throughout the process.

Once known for its purity and beautiful taste, Christchurch’s chlorinated tap water is also damaging plumbing systems in the city. “The taste has been compared to drinking from a public spa and taking a bath smells like you’re in a swimming pool – but that’s not the only problem,” Laser Plumbing East owners, Chris Dick and Carol McCann explain.
“The water is attacking the metal or fibre washers in the system and over time it’s breaking down the components, which results in leaky elements, as well as corrosion. The big question is – will chlorination stop after one year?”
The team is an expert in the removal of chlorine, whether you want a clean drinking water source from the kitchen tap, or an entire chlorine-free home system. Along with installing and maintaining home and business water filtration systems, the company also provides gas fitting. “Gas hot water is a lot cheaper to run and also saves space, so if your hot water cylinder is leaking and you’re thinking about converting to gas, we can help.”
Established more than 25 years ago, the company offers a 24/7 on-call service, for both residential and commercial customers. Visit Laser Plumbing Christchurch East at unit 3, 11 Tussock Lane Ferrymead,
phone 03-376 5322 or visit christchurcheast.laserplumbing.co.nz.
Laser Plumbing is also recruiting licenced plumbers now and offering a cash sign-on benefit.