Editor’s Perspective: 11 June 2020
“Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always” Anonymous

There’s a kindness epidemic that has been spreading throughout our community.
From conversations between neighbouring teddy bears in house windows and Kiwis providing food boxes, to businesses chipping in and NGOs helping communities in need, Kiwis have turned a threat to our health and happiness into acts of solidarity and hope.
New Zealanders have shown time and time again their capacity to care for one another.
But now that the immediate threat is over and life for many of us is getting back to normal, it’s important that we don’t lose the momentum of kindness, because for many of us, life isn’t back to normal.
These are trying times and many are being forced to adjust to a new normal.
“We will get through this,” Jacinda Ardern said in her address to the nation on 21 March to outline the structure the government put in place to handle the crisis.
“We know how to rally and we know how to look after one another; and what could be more important than that? Be strong, be kind and unite against Covid-19.”
We stayed strong; we stayed home and we stayed safe. Now it’s time to stay kind.