Editor’s Note: Here we go, once again

Happy New Year. Most people are back at work now, and probably already thinking ahead to their next holiday.

I arrived back in Christchurch after three weeks away to find many bemoaning the lack of hot summer days, and lots of them wondering if we are going to have a
more temperate season.

Metropol Editor, Lynda Papesch

On the other side of the coin are those condemning the fire ban, cursing the regular downpours, and the weather in general. They’re impatiently waiting to fire up the barbecue or hibachi, head to the beach while it is still summer, and to socialise in Canterbury’s great outdoors.

Of course, I’m keen to wander down that path too, so I’m exploring indoor and outdoor options of which Christchurch has plenty. We need the rain to combat the fire ban, and a few drizzly days shouldn’t stop us getting on and enjoying life. Historically February, March, and April are some of our hottest days so there is still loads of time to enjoy balmy days and nights.

In the meantime, check out some of what the central city has to offer. Wander the art galleries, tune in to live music at various venues, and indulge your tastebuds at a few of our amazing eateries. We’re into a new year now so it is an ideal time to break the mould, ease out of your comfort zone, and add a few fresh experiences to your repertoire.

If you are seeking inspiration, Metropol has plenty of ideas on the following pages. Relax, enjoy the read, and get out there.

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