Celebrating the city’s architecture
An executive home inspired by the work of Sir Miles Warren and a school playground in the sky were just two of the award-winning designs celebrated on Friday 2 August at the Canterbury/Westland Regional ADNZ Resene Architectural Design Awards.

Every year, the ADNZ Resene Architectural Design Awards celebrate innovative, sustainable and exceptionally designed projects from around New Zealand. Awarding designs in multiple categories, the awards programme recognises residential, commercial, alterations, interiors and multi-use projects designed by members of Architectural Designers New Zealand (ADNZ).
This year, 22 awards were given to 13 designers from the Canterbury region. The award winners were Julie Villard of Bob Burnett Architecture, Nic Curragh of Objects Ltd, Greg Young of Young Architects, Ben Brady of Linetype Architectural, Robert Weir of Weir Architecture, Pippin Wright-Stow of F3 Design, Aaron Jones of Urban Function Architecture, Chris Wheeler of Hierarchy Architecture, Barry Connor of Barry Connor Design Limited, Bob Burnett of Bob Burnett Architecture, Craig South of Allfrey + South Architects Ltd, Gary Todd of Gary Todd Architecture Ltd, and Fiona Macpherson of Fiona Macpherson Architecture.

Greg Young of Young Architects was a major award winner on the night, taking home three regional awards for two projects.
Aaron Jones of Urban Function Architecture received four awards for four projects. He received a Commercial Interior Architecture Design Award for the work on his own design studio, titled ‘Urbanfunction + Zerobag Studios’.
Julie Villard of Bob Burnett Architecture won the Residential Compact New Home up to 150m2 Architectural Design Award for ‘Boat Shed House – Lyttelton’.
Nic Curragh of Objects Ltd won the Residential New Home between 150m2 and 300m2 Architectural Design Award for his project ‘Red Rock Lane’.

Ben Brady of Linetype Architectural won the Residential Alterations and Additions Architectural Design Award for ‘Esplanade Alterations’. Ben Brady also received a Highly Commended Award in the Residential Compact New Home up to 150m2 category for his work on a Little Akaloa bach, titled ‘Sea Call’.
Robert Weir of Weir Architecture received the Commercial/Industrial Architectural Design Award for his work on the Crowne Plaza in Christchurch’s central city and a Highly Commended Award in the Residential New Home over 300m2 category for his work on a modern Waimairi Beach home titled ‘Chamberlain, Beachside’.
Pippin Wright-Stow of F3 Design won two awards for his work on ‘Sky Playground’ located at Cathedral Grammar School. The playground design won the Resene Colour in Design Award and a Highly Commended Award in the Commercial/Industrial category.
Chris Wheeler of Hierarchy Architecture won two awards for Coffee Culture located at The Crossing in the central city. He won the Resene Colour in Design Award and Commercial Interior Architecture Design Award.