Building trust
Recent Australian research has found that ‘trust’ is the foundation of all human connections. The same research showed that while there are people and professions trusted for their honesty, equally there are people and organisations that are distrusted. “This goes to the heart of corporate culture and governance for every company,” (partner content from Roy Morgan – Time magazine).
For employees struggling with mental health issues, for instance, the downside of taking substantial leave is that not only do they lose important social contact with work colleagues, but the thought of returning to work after a long period away can be quite daunting.
Successful reintegration back into the workplace and re-establishing social networks is vital to both employees and employers.
Catherine Overend, Director of Braided Foundations Ltd, says whatever struggles employees are dealing with, be it fiscal, emotional, poor health or disability issues, if there was trust amongst employees and employers to iron out any workplace problems through services, such as those offered by Braided Foundations Ltd, then organisations would work more efficiently.
This would result in a higher chance of wellbeing in the workplace.
“It is so important to help bring about civil society. It doesn’t have to be that difficult; it’s manageable and workable,” Catherine says.
“Braided Foundations helps employers and employees find alternative ways to bring about change and enhance the work environment for everyone.”
For further information on Braided Foundations Supervision, in-house workshops or its Employment Assisted Counselling service, phone 027 444 0243,
email braidedfoundations@gmail.com or check out the website.