Always growing
Paige Tapara has been making waves in the music industry from filming covers on YouTube to being an award-winning artist with millions of streams on Spotify and Apple Music, and she’s only 23.

However, while she may be young, she has an old soul – both in sound and wisdom. Her last EP, Always Growing, is jam-packed with an exploration of sexuality, coming of age, mental health, and relationships.
“I think a lot of issues in mental health stem from lack of communication. We need to be speaking more openly about experiences we go through so people can understand that they’re not alone in their experiences,” she says. “It can be really daunting as a young person who’s trying to explore their sexuality or battle with mental health and feeling like you’re the only person in the world going through that experience.”
One she knows all too well. “I’ve lost a family member due to lack of communication about their mental health and I think it’s important we learn to talk about it, and I want to be an example of that.”
Paige also believes in the importance of representation in the industry because “All listeners and viewers can feel related to, understood and, ideally, we’re making music for the public, and it’s important we include everybody.”
The rising star recently announced her first-ever headline tour taking place this month at four locations, including Blue Smoke at The Tannery.
What can concert-goers expect from the night? Lots of fun, new songs and the company of upcoming artists yet to make their debut on the music scene, says Paige.
Tickets are still available for her July 23 Christchurch show from Moshtix.