Do Christmas right

Christmas is a time of joy, and also of excess. Make your Christmas celebrations more eco-friendly with these suggestions.

  1. Quality not quantity
    Instead of buying boxes and boxes of plastic decorations, opt for top quality classic ones that you will able to use year after year.
  2. Sustainable trees
    If you choose a Christmas tree, consider buying a potted one that can be planted after the holidays. Artificial trees should be durable and able to be used for many years.
  3. Mindful gift giving
    Give thoughtful, high-quality personalised gifts that people will truly love. Consider experiences or handmade items.
  4. Support sustainable brands
    When shopping for gifts, look for products from companies committed to eco-friendly practices.
  5. Wrap it right
    Collect paper throughout the year, from brown paper supermarket bags to colourful magazine pages, to use for wrapping Christmas presents.
  6. Reduce food waste
    Plan your meals carefully to minimalise food waste. Use local and seasonal ingredients to support sustainable agriculture.

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