Warm for winter
While their warm coats help to keep the chill at bay, pets still feel the cold when the temperatures plummet.
Especially true for older, thinner, or short-haired pets, the cold weather increases the risk of illness and sore joints, and an unsettled, unhappy pet. Even if they are kept primarily inside, heat rises, and if you can feel the cold, it’s likely your pet can too. At night, or if left outside during the day, consider upgrading your pet’s space for a weatherproof shelter that will protect from rain, frost, and strong winds.
Most of the time, below freezing is too cold for cats or dogs, and any temperature under seven degrees means pets should be kept inside during the day or night. Consider the coat type and size, as double-layered coats and bigger pets will hold heat longer.
Treat them to a warm winter with an insulated kennel or cat house, pet bed, or plush blanket. With the likes of sherpa, wool, and fleece on offer in the pet bed and blanket realm, you’ll find options galore to keep them cosy.
Main photo: Ziggy Sherpa forest pet bed Find Me: Adairs.