Travel’s Top Talent: House of Travel
House of Travel Christchurch City continues its 24-year reign as the city’s premier travel agency, adding to its extensive cache of awards at the recent House of Travel Group’s conference in Auckland, attended by 800 staff.

House of Travel Christchurch City was recognised with a stunning 14 awards: the coveted Best Performing House of Travel Store 2018, Top Customer Champion Award 2018 as well as Top House of Travel Consultant for 2018, won by Belinda Fifield, a consultant who has been at the top of the travel game for 20 years.

David Williams, who founded and owns the House of Travel Christchurch City office, oversees four distinct travel businesses. “We’re so much more than a leisure travel store, we also specialise in business travel, conferences and incentive trips and sporting groups along with New Zealand Olympic Travel,” he says. “This is a changing industry and we are changing with it. Our success is down to close collaboration and a team effort from our 26 dedicated team members.”

House of Travel Christchurch City’s leisure team are experts in designing unique travel experiences, while the corporate group caters for business travellers. David started HOT Events in 2000. It is now New Zealand’s premium event management company, headed by conference and incentive event specialist, Victoria Wales.

David formed New Zealand Olympic Travel as a joint partnership between the New Zealand Olympic Committee and House of Travel, managed exclusively through the House of Travel Christchurch City office. David’s team handles all transport, accommodation, and promotion for eight different international games, including the Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Youth Olympic Games and Winter Games. The team is currently working on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, taking place in July and August next year. “We ensure athletes, family, friends, and spectators receive expertly prepared travel packages tailored to their needs,” he says.

After the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011, the team took on some of its most challenging business while out of their Victoria Street office all year and making do in temporary digs on the city’s outskirts. During this time they were the Official Travel Agent for RWC 2011 and moved to open an office in Auckland to have a HOT Rugby team base in the primary hosting city.
General Manager Megan McCall says while Fiji and Hawaii are perennial leisure favourites, cruising has seen huge growth in recent years. “We are cruise specialists: we invest in our consultants’ knowledge, and then we are there throughout the whole booking process; the specialty restaurants, shore excursions, and making sure we have secured the right stateroom in the preferred location onboard for our clients. It’s about making sure we have left nothing to chance,” Megan says.
The House of Travel Christchurch City team is hosting a Luxury Cruise event at their office located at 122 Victoria Street on Monday 6 May, 6pm – 7pm. If you’ve ever dreamed of exploring the most coveted destinations, aboard all-inclusive luxury, then you’ll not want to miss this information session. Contact them now to register as numbers are limited, on 03 365 7687 or email christchurch@hot.co.nz.
The team is now looking for experienced and energetic retail consultants to join their growing Leisure Travel group. To find out more about working at House of Travel Christchurch City, contact Megan by email mmccall@hot.co.nz.