The ultimate wall-dressing
Once upon a time four walls painted Spanish White was the beige and boring norm in many a Kiwi home. We were terrified to express ourselves. Hallelujah for the 21st century then and the mighty sea of change that has swept away timidity, along with those abysmally bland Spanish White walls!

All the rage, once again, is wallpaper, but not as you remember it. Today’s wallpaper is beyond belief in terms of imagination and design, but the ultimate wall-dressing is the uber-chic mural wallpaper.
If your passion’s a Monet or Michelangelo, if you’re besotted with Botticelli or devoted to Da Vinci, these can be yours. What about a nightscape of New York, a lavender field in Provence, or an enchanting Tuscany vineyard?
There are kitchen murals, bathroom murals, children’s murals, and if you’ve long hankered for a view of heaven, check out the ceiling murals – trompe l’oeil at its most magnifique!