The style gurus: Kudos Hairdressing
If you attempted to cut, style or colour your hair these last few months at home and you were successful… kudos to you. But not everyone was so lucky in their endeavours. Many greatly welcomed the re-opening of hairdressers nationwide – especially the customers of Kudos Hairdressers in Merivale.
Metropol caught up with Michelle Farmer, Senior Stylist and Director, about what their hair hub has been like in a post-lockdown world.
“We’ve enjoyed seeing how everyone has managed their colours during lockdown especially those that have been very creative! It’s great to be back doing what we love and our clients have been so supportive during these uncertain times,” Michelle says.
You may have been staring at yourself in the mirror during that time and wanting a change or even just a revamp, well now’s the perfect time to do so.
The “team of fully qualified stylists, who are friendly and professional, are there to provide great customer experience and service,” Michelle explains.
That change could be a few centimetres off the ends, some highlights or even a fringe.
“Fringes are on trend at the moment or you could treat yourself to a new look without the huge commitment,” she says.
The salon also stocks Wella, System Professional, Sebastian and ghd.
Book your next appointment on 03 355 4734 or email kudosmerivale@xtra.co.nz.