That winning smile
It’s an all too common misapprehension that those with dentures have an easier time of it than those with natural teeth. This is because they look just as good as natural teeth and because they generally last around five to ten years. This leads to a “wear ‘em and forget about ‘em” belief around dentures that, however good it sounds, is not the reality.
Just like natural teeth, dentures come with problems too and these can only be picked up by maintaining regular denture check-ups.
Dentures Plus owner Ryan Carlton recommends at least every two years, but if there are natural teeth as well, then every year.
A regular denture problem can be ill-fitting dentures, which can cause soreness and ulcers, and make eating difficult.
Visual checks for possible oral cancers and other abnormalities are also carried out in check-ups.
As with natural teeth, the cleaner the denture is, the easier it is to maintain oral health.
Dentures need to be cleaned daily with a denture toothpaste and brush to help reduce bacteria in the mouth, as well as to tackle stains, plaque and tartar that can accumulate on dentures.
Caldent Denture Cleaner can effectively remove years of stains and built up plaque and tartar deposits.
It’s very popular with Dentures Plus clientele, with beneficial results showing in a few days, Dentures Plus are highly experienced dental professionals committed to providing the best quality service in dentures maintenance and oral health.
Find Dentures Plus at 396 Innes Road, phone 03 385 5517.