Tackling gymtimidation

Just the thought of going to the gym with lots of others is enough to put some people off, and make others quit after one or two sessions.

Overseas research by UK health club chain PureGym has revealed several ways to help tackle “gymtimidation” and improve confidence for new and existing gym members.

The research found that one in three gym members (39 percent) considered quitting due to a lack in confidence in their training or time at the gym. Here are some of the top tips for reducing gym anxiety.

Avoid peak hour
Gyms have peak times: going outside of these hours, when the gym is quieter can feel less intimidating. Some gyms have an app which will track how busy it is, so you can check when it is generally quieter.

Wear comfortable clothing
Not everyone trains in a sports bra and the tight shorts or leggings. If wearing something baggy makes you feel confident then wear that. Likewise, if you feel more comfortable in lycra, then go for it.

Take a gym tour
It can feel intimidating not knowing where any of the kit is as every gym is set out differently and uses different equipment. Taking a tour before you start, either through an induction or simply walking around, can help alleviate nerves.

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