Supportive in pink
Canterbury is turning pink for breast cancer this month – with fundraising walks, relays, breakfasts and even buildings turning pink.
Thousands of Cantabrians are set to take part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities including the Relay for Life, Pink Ribbon Walk, Pink Ribbon Breakfast and the annual Pink Ribbon Street Appeal, which is this year buoyed by the airport and Canterbury Museum being illuminated in the colour.
In the Canterbury DHB region around 400 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and sadly around 77 die.
The initiatives celebrate breast cancer survivors, remember those who have been lost, promote breast health awareness, and raise much-needed funds to work towards Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand’s vision of zero deaths from breast cancer.
The Relay for Life on October 10 saw teams moving for 12 hours, while the Pink Ribbon Walk on October 17 is a 5km or 10km walk for groups to dress up in pink and lap Hagley Park.
Meanwhile, the Canterbury Museum, Fanfare Sculpture and Christchurch Airport and Airways Tower are illuminated in pink for the Global Illumination campaign to draw attention to the Pink Ribbon Street Appeal, where collectors take to the streets to collect change and donations for the foundation.
Anyone can also register to host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast, where guests are invited to attend and donate to the cause, too.
Find out more at www.breastcancerfoundation.org.nz.