Squaring off Canterbury’s rebuild
After years in limbo, the rebuild of one of Christchurch’s most iconic landmarks is yet one more step closer after concept designs for a $154 million reinstatement of the Anglican Cathedral in Cathedral Square were revealed recently.
Released by Warren and Mahoney in association with international firm Snøhetta and heritage specialists Salmond Reed, the designs acknowledge the Anglican Cathedral’s rich history supported by modern buildings which will play a wider role in the city – and square’s – offerings.
The new buildings make up a Cathedral Visitors Centre, including a café, landscaped garden and museum and retail stores, as well as a Cathedral Centre providing gathering spaces, offices and amenities.
The renderings show use of glass and timber to complement and contrast with a reinstated stone cathedral.
Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited Chair Justin Murray says the vastly improved aesthetics and landscaping of the overall quarter will be a point of pride for the city and a revitalised New Zealand attraction.
“It is a wonderful piece of design work, by Warren and Mahoney and Snøhetta, that is distinctly Kiwi. The new modern buildings serve as a link to the contemporary buildings around the outside of the square and are complementary to the Cathedral.
“This great looking plan offers a vibrant, attractive, functioning Cathedral Quarter that we are convinced will stimulate social, economic and tourism activity in Cathedral Square and the wider central city.”