Sarcoma awareness

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month, highlighting the need for research funding into a rare and complex cancer with more than 80 different subtypes, that can form anywhere in the body, at any age.

Devastatingly, sarcoma accounts for 20% of cancers diagnosed in childhood in Australia and 6% in New Zealand (on average four children with most under the age of five). More specifically – the bone and soft tissues cancer – makes up to 10% of cancers among adolescents and young adults (aged 15-25) – giving it the title of one of the most common cancers in children.

By having numerous subtypes, there is not always a clinical trial or study available for each one, meaning funding for research is vital.

The Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA) is highlighting the importance of ongoing research into rare and complex cancers to increase survival rates.

The ANZSA National Sarcoma Database is a ground-breaking resource for this rare-cancer research. It gathers sarcoma-specific clinical data covering diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for patients with bone and soft tissue tumours.
Dr Denise Caruso, CEO of ANZSA, actively works to create impactful change in the sarcoma community.

“Every study on sarcoma brings us one step closer to greater understanding, and one step closer to providing hope for patients and families affected by this rare and devastating disease,” says Dr Caruso.

According to new figures from ANZSA, 28 research studies have already drawn on the database, including 14 currently ongoing projects across Australia and New Zealand, with 1674 patients enrolled.

For more information visit the website

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