Repaired the Wrightway: Wrightway Construction
Contrary to predictions of what might occur after the Covid-19 lockdown, house prices have risen and seem likely to continue to do so for while. So it’s an ideal time to complete any outstanding earthquake repairs or to have your house assessed for possible damage prior to putting it on the market.
Nearly ten years on since the earthquakes, to be talking about damage and repairs may seem unbelievable to some.
But the reality for hundreds of Christchurch families is that they are still living in damaged homes.
That damage may have only recently been discovered and identified after a house has been on-sold, or it may be the result of inadequate first-time-around repairs.
One company that is only too aware of this continuing stress on homeowners is Wrightway Construction (founded in 2012 by Hamish Wright). Wrightway is one of a small group of building companies still working closely with EQC to ensure that earthquake-damaged homes are correctly repaired, managing remedial repairs through the EQC-managed process.
“It has become apparent that many people require assistance with their claims,” says Wrightway’s Operations Manager Steve Cole.
“It is important for us to reassure them that we have the ‘right’ team and the ‘right’ skills and expertise in place to carry out the repairs properly. Clients can then feel secure to put their house on the market should they wish to do so in order to move on with the next stage of their lives.”
“Not only do we work with EQC, but we are finding more and more homeowners are approaching us directly when they have cash settled their claims and are looking for a company that truly understands the earthquake repair process and can support them all the way through from the initial assessment through to final Code Compliance.”
Wrightway’s team of forty dedicated to achieving positive outcomes and peace of mind for homeowners includes licensed building practitioners, concrete repair specialists and quantity surveyors.
The company also does house lifting, foundation replacements and re-levelling.
Where other expert input might be required Wrightway consults with a group of architects, engineers and surveyors whom the company have been working with for a number of years.
“With both the new on-sold claims and the re-repairs I see us being involved with earthquake work for several years to come. Currently we have some 24 jobs underway and many more in the pipeline. We are however always available to discuss future work with clients so we can make our contribution to the restoration of our city.”