Reducing indoor air pollutants

New Zealand’s recently established Indoor Air Quality Research Centre (IAQRC) brings together expertise from seven leading research organisations. It aims to increase public awareness of indoor pollutants, and related health outcomes, and to advocate for improved indoor air quality in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The IAQRC comprises a multi-disciplinary team with specialist indoor air quality research expertise. It includes researchers from BRANZ, GNS Science, Massey University, NIWA, University of Otago, Victoria University of Wellington, and the University of Canterbury. Its mission is to advance the understanding of indoor air quality in

New Zealand by co-ordinating research, and sharing knowledge and resources. It also aims to provide practical advice to the public to improve indoor air quality, including mitigating the transmission of Covid-19 indoors.

“Covid-19 can spread on air currents but good ventilation can quickly remove particles carrying it. Its spread can be minimised by bringing as much fresh air as possible indoors, as recommended by the IAQRC,” says IAQRC member and BRANZ Principal Scientist Dr Manfred Plagmann.

“Opening several windows on more than one side of a room can create a cross-draft that will exchange air in the room with fresh air in about 10 minutes,” he says.

The IAQRC welcomes interested researchers to join the centre. Visit

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