Rangiora’s new Pilates studio: Studio Pilates

When working out, few methods are recognised as being as safe, effective and suitable for clients of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels as Pilates.

Studio Pilates is amongst the most widely recognised methods. Founded in 2002 by Jade Winter, an ex-Olympic swimmer, and his wife Tanya Winter, a qualified physiotherapist, its programme has changed the way the world works out.

The programme is now available in Rangiora, at the South Island’s only Studio Pilates studio, which opened in October last year, headed by Taryn Currie, a personal trainer turned Pilates instructor with over a decade of industry experience.

After qualifying in 2015, Taryn fell so in love with the programme that she now proudly owns and operates her own studio.

“There are so many incredible benefits to Pilates and I’m so passionate about helping as many people as I can experience the benefits of Studio Pilates,” Taryn says.

Managing a team of six highly skilled Pilates Instructors, Taryn adds that, despite Covid-19 challenges, business has never been better and is growing.

“That’s something else unique we offer here – the opportunity for people to train to become fully qualified instructors. Each is so talented and tremendously trusted by our clients, which is really important for me as their leader.”

For information on classes, call 03 925 8136, or visit the website.


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