Put your best face forward in 2021: Face Value

Many find the annual ritual of resolution setting can turn out to be a yearly disappointment. We begin with best of intentions, but life carries on and we fall back into old ways. It need not be that way with a little forward planning, especially when it comes to your skin.



If you are considering treatments during 2021, then start now with your planning to get your skin in the best health to get the best results from clinic treatments.

Sometimes the difference between success or otherwise when it comes to those resolutions is choosing the right goal and getting expert help to set about achieving it.
Professional advice is essential.

The team at Face Value offers a no obligation consultation for all clients to discuss available treatments, what will work best for you, when best to have treatments and how best to prepare your skin to achieve the best outcomes.

Remember change is a process, and a subtle stepwise approach to cosmetic treatments is often recommended rather than seeking dramatic instant transformation.

Face Value’s Dr Phil Frost finds it is not uncommon for clients to focus on injectable treatments such as dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections, without giving attention to the foundations of healthy skin.

Working on the “canvas” and preparing the skin will often lead to better outcomes for cosmetic medicine treatments. A professional skincare range, treatments to work on pigmentation, skin tone and texture be it on a youthful or ageing skin all will contribute to enhancing treatment outcomes and help you look the best you can for 2021.

Still you, just better!
Phone (03) 363 8810 or visit Face Value online to find out more.


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