Playful children’s room

Play is important to healthy brain development, and from an early age children learn through play.

Engaging and interacting with the world around them through play allows children to develop their curiosity, their creativity, their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.

Their bedroom can be an integral part of that development, especially when designed to fire up their imaginations. Play with patterns, colours and textures – children learn by observing and exploring their surroundings. Display their art work, create a theme and make it a fun learning environment all of their own.

Here are some ideas from Metropol:

Nursery time
Stimulate children right from birth with hanging mobiles, tactile toys and peaceful colours to encourage sleep at night.

As children grow, add more colour and activities, a play area within their bedroom, baskets for their toys, their own art on the walls.

Homework hub
Encourage good learning habits with a homework hub, a small desk and a quiet area where they can concentrate.

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