Outdoor art gallery
Art lovers often extend their collections from inside to outside, with gorgeous one-off sculptures the leading choice. Metal, wooden and stone garden ornaments, fountains and sculptures stand proud and tall in gardens large and small. As with all art, when buying you should choose pieces that speak to you, that resonate or add to your garden’s story.
Here are some tips from Metropol.
Selecting a sculpture:
A sculpture can be contemporary, realistic, native, religious, traditional, personal, abstract, or an heirloom. If you like it, go for it. If you love it, even better.
Stick with a style:
The style of your home or garden can influence your choices. A contemporary style home lends itself more to abstract pieces, while lanterns will enhance a Japanese-style garden best.
Larger abstract pieces can act as a focal point and draw the eye to an area. Smaller sculptures such as a statue surrounded by a mass of flowers will bring your garden closer to you.
Material choices:
Metals are the most durable, while limestone and concrete will weather nicely over time. Bronze, fibreglass and metal offer more design flexibility.