Canterbury Women Unite

The poignant words of Martin Luther King Jr who once said, “Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly” could have been purpose-written for the 15 March attack.     Six Canterbury women of diverse backgrounds and cultures have come up with a plan to continue the feelings of goodwill and connection which arose out of […]

Putting the mystery in dining

Emphasising the ‘fun’ in fundraiser, Ronald McDonald House’s Christchurch Supper Club annually celebrates Christchurch’s finest dining destinations, with a kind-hearted, essential purpose underpinning each culinary experience: to accommodate and support families who must travel to Christchurch for their child’s medical treatment.     Dressed in their very best with champagne flutes in hand, guest after […]

The hottest event in winter

At face value, the chilly temperatures of a southern winter wouldn’t necessarily be the foundations for one of the hottest events on the country’s social calendar, but when that event is framed by the wintry beauty of Queenstown and the champagne is flowing, it’s the top pick.     This year’s highly anticipated Clicquot in […]

Pub in the Hub: Welles Street

“It’s going to be a winter wonderland here,” Tom Newfield says of the Welles Street Winter Fest from 8 to 14 July. “Every night of the week, there’ll be something different happening. It’s been something we’ve wanted to do for a long time, so we’re very excited!”     With a jam-packed agenda featuring mulled […]

An inspiring line-up

Melinda Gates once said, “If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction.”     Providing the platform for inspiration and motivation is at the very heart of Chris Korako and Margie Foster’s Inspired Events, which will again motivate and […]

To Market To Market

North Canterbury has plenty of markets and fetes to keep the weekends – and pantries – full. Check out our itinerary.     Rangiora Church Street Market Saturday 1 June 8am-1pm St John’s Anglican Church, 355 High Street, Rangiora The market is open on the first Saturday of each month. Café, indoor craft, garage, white […]