Oral Artistry: Lovebite
The need for new or replacement dentures could bring a range of emotions to the surface, but you wouldn’t necessarily count on ‘joie de vivre’ being one of them. Unless, of course, your dentures are created by Richard Greenlees of Lovebite.
Richard is re-established in Christchurch from his Harley Street practice in London, where the well-heeled and those needing to be ready for their close-up, cut a track to his door. Renowned for creating dentures indistinguishable from natural teeth, Richard combines artistry and technical know-how with a passion for deep understanding of his clients, their lives and personalities.
Contrary to modern computerised and mechanised denture-manufacture, Richard’s dentures are handmade, bespoke, and individually characterised. Taking time to get to know a patient before creation begins, you’ll never see a conveyor belt of people in the waiting room, because consultations are a relaxed and enjoyable interchange that involves building dentures around who you are.
“Dentures go on your life journey with you, so they should be intrinsic to you,” Richard says. This year Richard travels to conferences in London and Cologne to keep abreast of advances. “Dental technology moves along at a pace similar to technology for space exploration and the materials used are markedly similar with zirconia, carbon and 3D printing coming into play.”
Oil painting is a second outlet for Richard’s artistry and drive to represent, and fills any time left over from the oral works of art. Having shown in London and made art for most of his life, he particularly loves the works of Francis Bacon, for its emotional and sheer human scope. “That’s what I am always trying to bring to my work in all spheres – honesty but also great beauty.”
This year Richard will carry on striving for reality in appearance for his patients, looking forward to meeting the new ones who each become important to him. “I’m always looking to create something special for my clients – a smile that truly reflects their individuality and character, and which makes them feel like themselves. This is critical if the teeth are to be accepted as a part of the person.”
Find Richard at 404 Montreal Street, phone 021 555 293, and www.lovebite.com – he’ll discover who you are, but you’ll want to talk about him. https://lovebite.com/