Myth-busting back pain: Freedom Health Pilates

Back pain is extremely common, affecting up to 80 percent of people at some point in their life.

Unfortunately, myths about back pain are widespread, leading to confusion, fear, and sometimes prolonged symptoms. Metropol speaks to Cath Julius, Physiotherapist, and Clinical Pilates therapist about some of the common back pain myths.

Myth 1: Pain is proportional to injury.

It is common to think that the intensity of pain is indicative of the extent of any underlying damage. “We categorically know this is not the case, especially when it comes to back pain,” says Cath. “There are several factors including stress, fear and past injury that influence how we experience pain.” Be sure to rely on an experienced health professional to get an accurate assessment of the injury and its severity.

Myth 2: Back pain equals poor core strength.

“This is a common misconception,”
says Cath. “It is reflective of our understanding 10-15 years ago, but we understand pain better now. Back pain is more commonly a result of stiffness in other areas, leading to excess load through the lower spine.” A Physiotherapist can assess your movement and determine if you need more mobility or strength to help your specific condition.

Myth 3: Rest is best for back pain.

It seems natural to think that when something hurts, you should rest it.
But research shows that gentle movement and gradual return to strength are more beneficial with most injuries. “I see more long-term issues resulting from people avoiding movement than those who try to stay active. Find a professional who you trust to guide you through the appropriate movement for your injury, and you will recover quicker and with more confidence,” advises Cath.

Freedom Health Physiotherapists are experts at assessing your injury and helping you find freedom in your movement again.

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