Military moves

Fans of the annual Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo don’t have to travel to Scotland this year to enjoy the spectacular. Instead they’ll be able to watch it on screen in several local cinemas.

T he 2022 event will screen on 19 and 20 November at Cinemas Christchurch, Movie Max Digital Cinemas Timaru, Regent Cinema Ashburton, Silky Otter Cinemas Wigram and Town Hall Cinemas Rangiora.

This show is the first from The Tattoo’s new, and first non-military, creative director, New Zealand-born Michael Braithwaite, who grew up in Christchurch.

Featuring more than 900 performers, it promises to be a spectacular combination of music, dance, and military precision from some of the world’s leading armed forces and cultural performers from the UK, Mexico, The United States,

New Zealand (the New Zealand Army Band, and The Pipes and Drums of Christchurch City), Australia (Brisbane Boys College Pipes and Drums), Switzerland, Germany,
and Canada.

This is also the first show under the Tattoo’s bold new brand ethos, which embraces military tradition and combines it with exciting innovations and contemporary touches.

Acts include the iconic The Top Secret Drum Corps; the colourful carnival energy of 100 performers from Banda Monumental de Mexico and the renowned Highland Divas, in their Tattoo debut, showcasing their eclectic repertoire including the Folk Music of Ireland, Scotland, and New Zealand.

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