Meet the principal: Selwyn House School

Having started as Principal of Selwyn House School at the beginning of this year, I have enjoyed taking some time to observe, listen and learn about what it is that makes Selwyn House the special school that it is.

Julie Calder,

Having both worked in Christchurch schools for the last 30 years and put my children through school here in Canterbury, I was already well aware of the excellent reputation that Selwyn House School has. However, my first-hand experience here has exceeded my expectations.

The range of specialist teachers on staff – from Art, Music, Spanish, and Performing Arts, to Science, Mechatronics, Future Problem Solving, and Physical Education – means students receive a broad and rich education at primary school level and can develop their passions and talents that will serve them so well in secondary school and beyond.

By providing a supportive, non-judgmental learning environment that encourages every student to be themself and be proud of it, Selwyn House School is nurturing the kind of self-confidence and self-awareness that will set students on a path to be the best they can be.

We are proud to encourage our students to be risk-takers and problem-solvers while developing their future leadership skills in many different arenas.

Through the International Baccalaureate curriculum, students are learning to be global thinkers. They are developing empathy and understanding, as well as powerful critical and creative thinking skills, that will allow them to make a difference in the world they live in.

I am a firm believer in treating every child as a unique learner. A one-size-fits-all approach to education simply does not cater to the many different learning styles and wonderfully individual brains that we each possess. That’s why I’m proud to lead a school that demonstrates an individual learning approach. With small class sizes and committed teaching staff, we can fully support each student in their endeavours. As a result, we can ensure that each girl who enters Selwyn

House School will come out the other end of it as a confident individual who understands how they learn best, appreciates their strengths, believes in their unique abilities, and is excited about the part they can play in the world. Girls truly thrive at Selwyn House School!

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