Itchy solution: Eezapet Petcare Ltd

The promise of warmer days always puts a ‘spring’ in the step of not just us, but our four-legged friends too.

However, for those that struggle with allergies, spring also can mean irritation and discomfort. And unfortunately, it isn’t just humans that have to deal with the effects of pollen-filled air. Animals also experience allergies, so it is important to have an effective treatment on hand.

Pollens and grasses

You might notice a fine yellow film on the ground – this is pine pollen and it is the first to fall, followed by many other pollens throughout spring. Pollens stay trapped on the skin by the fur and can cause reactions and irritation. Grasses and grass seeds can also cause allergic reactions to the itchy pet, and these generally start around October. The irritation causes animals to scratch, bite or lick, which can cause a rash to transfer and quickly spread all over the body.

Premium pet health care company Eezapet Petcare Ltd has the answer to all of your pet’s allergy needs. Their fast-acting balm called Eezapet starts activating immediately when applied, and you will quickly notice itching subside. It then continues to soothe, calm and repair skin.

Company Director Heather Murphy says, “A lot of customers thank us for the product doing exactly what it says it does, and relieving the itch that their pets are suffering with.”

The balm is perfect and safe for not just allergies but sore skin, dry skin, cracked skin, red or broken skin.  Check out the website for more information on this effective solution for the management of itchy skin for your precious pets.

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