Imagine your home improvements
Albert Einstein once said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Add a bit of inspiration to the mix and that’s exactly what you get when you visit a home show, albeit a preview of a home’s potential attractions.
Canterbury is lucky to have two home shows annually, including one in the next few weeks, where anyone keen to add value, technology, ambience and cutting-edge design to their living environment will find a smorgasbord of ideas all in one venue.
Aside from the inspirational aspect for attendees, home shows provide a multitude of benefits for exhibitors and homeowners planning to remodel or rebuild, or to upgrade appliance and accessories.
Attending a home show can provide valuable insight and ideas about what products you should choose, and which company can serve your needs best.
Talk directly to suppliers
An excellent reason for going to a home show is so that you can talk directly to the suppliers of products and services. While a company’s website may be bursting with helpful information, there’s still nothing like getting to talk face-to-face with a prospective contracting company.
See products for yourself
Home shows often have products on display for clients to assess and to even try before they buy. Seeing something in person can change your mind, and surely it is best to check things out properly first rather than change your mind after it’s installed in your kitchen or bathroom.
Experience the latest innovations
Home shows are great places to see all the latest innovations, technology and modern home trends from materials to appliances, furniture and fittings, accessories and a wide range of products and services. Often companies will unveil a new product or service at a home show.
Show specials
Many home show exhibitors offer “show specials” in exchange for signing up for a consultation/quote or purchasing a product. If you’re ready to buy, this is a good way to get the best bang for your buck. And there are always giveaways and draws to enter too.