Holistic child health: The Child Health Clinic

With increasing demands on child health services, there’s more need than ever for parents to have options of choice.

The Child Health Clinic specialises in the holistic care of children and their families in all aspects of child health and wellbeing. The clinic provides medical and practical help with a strong emphasis on education.

“We focus on preventative health, supporting parents to gain confidence in their knowledge and skills. Part of the success of our service is our collaboration with qualified naturopaths and medical herbalists at The Herb Centre, who can provide treatment in conjunction with our assessments of need at the time of appointment,” says Child Health Clinic nurse Victoria Woods.

“Understanding that the whole family is involved in the journey of parenting, we provide trusted support for this important time. As nurses with over 20 years Plunket experience, we have competence and skill in our assessments and care. We liaise with and can refer to midwifery services, GP practices and community supports as needed.”

Book online to make an appointment or call on 03 365 3011.

What is covered?

Wellness checks
Digestive and gut health issues
Behavioural concerns
Growth and development assessments
Sleep and settling worries
Breastfeeding and lactation support
Parent and child relationships


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