Hamlin high tea

Save the date and tell your friends. The popular High Tea for Hamlin will be held in Christchurch this year on Saturday 5 August.

Supported by the Zonta Club of Christchurch North, the high tea will be held this year at the beautiful Aldersgate Centre on Durham Street. Rosemary McNoe, Fundraising Manager, Hamlin Fistula New Zealand, says it promises to be a delightful afternoon with delicious high tea, musical entertainment from the St Margaret’s Choir, raffle, books and Ethiopian gifts for purchase.

Additionally there will be presentations and the latest updates from the Hamlin Fistula NZ team after their visit to Ethiopia. When booking their tickets, attendees will also be able to pre-order the books telling the Hamlin stories “Hospital by the River” and “Healing Lives” and these will be available for them on the day.

The previous High Tea in 2019 raised $30,000 with a sold-out event of more than 200 guests.

“This year we have an ambitious goal of raising $45,000, which will go towards rebuilding two maternity waiting rooms in the Yirgalem region,” says Rosemary.

Hamlin Fistula NZ

Napier-born Dr Reginald Hamlin, and his Australian wife
Dr Catherine, founded their first hospital in Addis Ababa nearly 50 years ago, to provide free surgical treatment and rehabilitation to women.

Established in 2005, the Hamlin Charitable Fistula Hospitals Trust (Hamlin Fistula New Zealand) is a Kiwi charity committed to raising funds and awareness to treat women in Ethiopia suffering from
life-threatening obstetric fistula, and to prevent these terrible childbirth injuries from happening to others.
Obstetric fistula is a complex injury with tragic results.

The physical and psychological consequences of this childbirth injury are debilitating, traumatic, and heart-breaking.

Hamlin charities, also in the United Kingdom, Canada, United States of America, The Netherlands and Australia, have conducted more than 60,000 successful repair operations to date.

“Our mission now is to continue to fund the treatment of fistula injuries and prevent women from suffering through a fistula or other childbirth injury by providing expert maternity care,” adds Rosemary.

TICKETS: $55 per person

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